Industrial Ventilation Fans


Ducted Type Rectangular Radial Ventilation Fan

Ducted Type

Dynair T-AXB Industrial Ducted Type Rectangular Radial Ventilation Fan

General Description

T/AXB series are duct type rectangular radial fans with low energy consumption, advantage of direct and easy mounting to the duct. There are 9 different models with sizes starting from 300x150mm to 1000x500mm. The operating range is between -20°C and +50°C in clean air conditions. It has a mounting cover for ease of maintenance.


Its body is made of galvanized sheet metal; impeller material is made of galvanized sheet metal and aluminum.


Motor type is external rotor motor. Motor insulation class is F and protection class is IP44.


Mono phase speed controller (T/MPSC)

Three phase frequency converter (T/TPFC)

Rectangular duct type silencer (T/DKTS)

Technical Specifications

Article Model Ø U RPM U P Pm In IP/CI Min.
Q Lw
(mm) T/M (V-Hz) (n°) (kW) (A) (T°) (m3/h) dB(A)
TAB0000 T/AXB 3x15 M 2600 230V-50Hz 2 0,9 44/F -20/50 520 70
TAB0001 T/AXB 4x2 M 2675 230V-50Hz 2 0,10 44/F -20/50 950 73
TAB0002 T/AXB 4x2 M 2685 230V-50Hz 2 0,13 44/F -20/50 1150 75
TAB0003 T/AXB 5x25 M 2615 230V-50Hz 2 0,18 44/F -20/50 1600 78
TAB0004 T/AXB 6x3 M 1360 230V-50Hz 4 0,15 44/F -20/50 2350 70
TAB0005 T/AXB 6x35 M 1362 230V-50Hz 4 0,38 44/F -20/50 3400 83
TAB0006 T/AXB 7x4 M 1367 230V-50Hz 4 0,69 44/F -20/50 5000 83
TAB0007 T/AXB 8x5 M/T 1364 230V / 380V-50Hz 4 0,83 44/F -20/50 7000 86
TAB0008 T/AXB 10x5 M 1369 380V-50Hz 4 1,46 44/F -20/50 9300 86

Fan Dimensions

Dynair T-AXB Industrial Ducted Type Rectangular Radial Ventilation Fan Dimensions
Article Model A
TAB0000 T/AXB 3x15 M2 0,09 kW 300 150 400
TAB0001 T/AXB 4x2 M2 0,10 kW 400 200 500
TAB0002 T/AXB 4x2 M2 0,13 kW 400 200 500
TAB0003 T/AXB 5x25 M2 0,18 kW 500 250 565
TAB0004 T/AXB 6x3 M4 0,15 kW 600 300 760
TAB0005 T/AXB 6x35 M4 0,38 kW 600 350 765
TAB0006 T/AXB 7x4 M4 0,69 kW 700 400 790
TAB0007 T/AXB 8x5 M/T4 0,83 kW 800 500 900
TAB0008 T/AXB 10x5 T4 1,46 kW 1000 500 1050

Performance Curves

Performance Curves
Performance Curves
Performance Curves
Performance Curves
Performance Curves
Performance Curves
Performance Curves
Performance Curves
Performance Curves
Ventilation Fans

The outlet duct must be at least 1,5 meters long.



User Manual

CE Certificate

Other Industrial Ducted Type Ventilation Fans

Dynair  T/AXM Industrial Ducted Type Radial Fan


Dynair  T/AxB-F Industrial Ducted Type Radial Fan